Thursday, January 22, 2015

Discovering my 10th Great Grandparents are also my 11th!

I've been working on my 'Deborah Scudder Momma Problem' (see my last post) when I discovered something so amazingly cool and yet so very confusing.

My tenth great grandparents are also my eleventh great grandparents.  Let me explain.

Here are John and Mary Scudder.  Up until yesterday, they were my 10th great grandparents.

You can see that two of their children were John Jr. and Elizabeth.  I've known Elizabeth was my ninth great grandmother for some time now.  But, this week, I'm really going after that Scudder family line on Deborah's side.  I must admit that with so many names in my family tree, I never even pondered that Deborah might be from the same Scudder line.

So, while I am tracking her family line higher and higher up the tree, I noticed a familiar name - Alberti!  I already know that Pietro Alberti is ancestor of mine and the only Italian one I've found so that name stands out a bit for me.  Wanted to see why the Alberti name was mentioned in a book about John Jr.  Turns out, it was through his sister Elizabeth and then it clicked.  I am a direct descendent from both Elizabeth who married John Alberti AND her brother who married Joanna Betts.  They are both on my father's side so I was very curious about where these two lines met up again.  Started working my way down the tree and found it!

(click on the image above for a larger view)

Elizabeth Scudder's second great grandson Jacob Vandergrift married John Jr's third great grandaughter Mary Hart.  They were fourth cousins.  Mary is John (signer of the Declaration of Independence) and Deborah Hart's granddaughter     Their son Samuel is my fourth great grandfather. 

Looks like this tree is getting a little gnarled up there.  Of course I wonder, could Jacob and Mary have known that they had great great (great) grandparents in common? 

Doesn't help me solve the dilemma over who is Deborah Hart's Momma but I do love these little twists and turns.

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